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Next edition:


10:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Anhembi District - SP



10:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Anhembi District - SP

We Take Care Program

Expert consultancy

We know the importance of having partners who bring efficient solutions to your business when participating in a fair. Anuga Select Brazil has two consulting partners to make your participation easier and more hassle-free.

Get in touch with our partners below.

Assuring a successful participation at Anuga Select Brazil Entrada no Brasil


As organizers of Anuga Select Brazil, the central platform for the food and beverage industry in South America, our objective is to ensure a smooth participation for you as exhibitor at our event.

Due to the various Agricultural as well as Health Authority (Anvisa) restrictions for the imports of products into Brazil, we prepared this guide with the main steps for your planning in partnership with Fulstandig - a specialized import and export consultancy.

Should you have any further questions throughout the complete application process, please feel free to contact us anytime.

We wish you a successful participation at our event.

General Information on Importation of Beverage and Food

It is imperative to check in advance with Fulstandig Shows e Eventos, the official freight forwarder of Anuga Select Brazil, which are the restrictions for the importation of beverage and food for the show


Wines/ Liquor/ sparkling/ spirits/ vinegar


Vegetable Origin:

Vegetable fresh, refrigerated or frozen / Seeds and Fruits

Wheat made products / Pasta/ Rice/ Pastry or Biscuits

Olive Oil

Animal Origin:

Meat / Fish /Milk and derivatives / Cheese/ Eggs/ Hoey and derivatives

Canned Food

Chocolates/ cacao mix for bakery products, (including White chocolate)

Industrialized Fruits / canned with and without sugar; Candies, Jelly, Smashed and Dry Fruits

Fulstandig - Anuga Select Brazil’s official partner for product imports

With its broad experience and highly qualified team, Fulstandig supports its clients in a very personalized way. The consulting company is an expert with respect to the entire import process, offering the infrastructure and specialized service to meet the required deadlines at any event worldwide, in our specific case Brazil.

Fulstandig is a member of The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI), The International Exhibition Logistics Association (IELA), South American Entertainment Network (Saen), International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE), União Brasileira dos Promotores de Feiras (UBRAFE), Chamber of Commerce and Industry Brasil - Alemanha (AHK), Câmara Suiça (SwissCame) and of Sindicato das Empresas de Promoção, Organização e Montagem de Feiras, Congressos e Eventos do Estado de São Paulo (SINDIPROM).

By partnering with Fulstandig, we assure all exhibitors using Fulstandig’s qualified services at Anuga Select Brazil a successful import of their products.

Logistics/Import Consulting:

Fulstandig Shows e Eventos MC

Contact: Mariane Ewbank

Due to the various restrictions imposed by the Agricultural and Health Authority (Anvisa) and MAPA on imports of products to Brazil, we have also prepared a guide with the main steps for your planning.

Consulting on marketing services for trade fairs:

Double Down Live Marketing

Contact: Michael Fine, CEO/Founder

Double Down Live Marketing is a full-service live marketing agency, specializing in trade shows. We believe that trade shows can produce amazing results and transform companies!

With over 30 years of experience in the exhibition industry in Brazil, our team can organize any part or 100% of your company's participation in the Anuga Brazil 2024, including services such as the booth design project, catering, hostesses, VIP invitation campaign, lead generation, onsite branding activations, press relations, special off-site events, sales kick-off event with channel partners, among others.


Contact us at anytime to discuss ideas for your company at Anuga Brazil 2024!

More information:

The fair

As the world's leading food and beverage fair, Anuga Brazil is bringing together the industry's largest national and international community, generating a positive spirit of optimism.

Travel and Accommodation

Find out more about the benefits offered by AD Feiras & Turismo, an official partner of Anuga Select Brazil.

Photo and Video Gallery
Anufood Brazil 2023

See our gallery of photos and videos of the best moments of our 2023 edition.

Próxima edição:


10h às 19h

Distrito Anhembi - SP


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Next edition:


10:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Anhembi District - SP


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