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10:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Anhembi District - SP



10:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Anhembi District - SP

FGV Europe – GV Agro

FGV Europe and GV Agro establish partnership with Anuga Select Brazil

ANUFOOD BRAZIL is held in partnership with two units of Fundação Getulio Vargas, FGV. FGV Europe is the European representation office of FGV, based in Cologne, Germany. The unit possesses extensive expertise in promoting international events, establishing strategic partnerships between Brazilian and European institutions, as well as signing and developing bi- and multilateral technical advisory projects. GV Agro, based in São Paulo, Brazil, positions itself as a think tank focused on the Brazilian agribusiness and its development.

In this way, national and international buyers, through the outreach of FGV and Koelnmesse, have the opportunity to convene in a single location to conduct business, engage with innovative products, and participate in strategic discussions for the industry's development, such as consumption trends and the future of food security.

Cesar Cunha Campos, Director of FGV Europe, emphasizes the importance of the ANUFOOD fair in the national economy and its role as a reference in the sector.

"ANUFOOD Brazil 2022 not only drives the creation of new business opportunities for both Brazilian and international audiences but also reaffirms its role as a platform for industry and retail strengthening through exclusive content featuring the latest trends, innovations, and launches."

More information:

Photo and Video Gallery
Anufood Brazil 2022

See our gallery of photos and videos of the best moments of our 2022 edition.

Photo and Video Gallery
Anufood Brazil 2020

See our gallery of photos and videos of the best moments of our 2020 edition.

Photo and Video Gallery
Anufood Brazil 2023

See our gallery of photos and videos of the best moments of our 2023 edition.

Próxima edição:


10h às 19h

Distrito Anhembi - SP


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Next edition:


10:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Anhembi District - SP


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