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10:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Anhembi District - SP

Second edition of ANUFOOD Brazil will offer experiences with gastronomic trends to visitors

The event, which will take place between March 9 and 11, 2020, will bring a series of novelties in interactive events, including the themes of bar, pizza and gourmet.


São Paulo, November 2019 – The second edition of ANUFOOD Brazil, an international trade fair inspired by Anuga, will offer special projects to visitors, including gastronomic experiences, learning, networking and business expansion. Scheduled to take place between March 9 and 11, 2020, at the São Paulo Expo, in the city of São Paulo, the fair has strategic partners, among associations and unions in the food and beverage sector, which will promote the side events and increase the number of visitors to the event.


Among the main attractions of the fair is the Arena Show, organized in partnership with Abrasel SP (Brazilian Association of Bars and Restaurants) with presentations on the themes of Bar, Pizza and Gourmet. Ana Salles, Abrasel SP’s events director, remembers that by 2020 the entity will increase the space of its stand, where the events take place. “The success of the first edition showed that the interest is great on the part of visitors and we want to ensure that everyone has access to the presentations and courses offered. We will also have a larger area to receive our members”.


“At Abrasel we are looking forward to the second edition of ANUFOOD Brazil. On our part, we will organize lectures, workshops, tasting, product and beverage shows with our partners (BaresSP, ESBRE, ConPizza); we will hold drinks contests, pizza classes and special beer bartenders, we will discuss the future of the beverage market, taxation, letter setting, launches, among other events. Finally, activities that interest the owners of bars and restaurants,” says Percival Maricato, president of Abrasel in São Paulo.


The SINDAL (Syndicate of Equipment Manufacturers, Companies Providers of Products and Services Project, Assembly and Maintenance of Industrial Conzinhas) will bring to the fair an unprecedented project: the Equipment Showroom (national and international), and Food Services (Hotels, Restaurants and Cafes), for exhibition of the most recent technologies in equipment in the market. It will be a space for exhibition, updating, learning, information and knowledge about the latest equipment and technologies for the foodservice market.


Success in the first edition of the fair, the Confectionery & Bakery Show, developed by SENAI, will also gain more space in ANUFOOD Brazil 2020. According to the director of SENAI Alimentos and the SENAI Institute of Food and Beverage Technology, Estebe Ormazabal, in addition to the presentations, lectures and show classes, the public will be able to know the formats and contents of the classes/courses that qualify students for the most current technologies and, thus, be “in tune with the demands of consumers and prepared to apply this knowledge. In practice, on the other hand, they have the technological support of our specialists, producing and supporting the creation of innovative solutions for these challenges.”


The Prime Club, which will bring together VIP guests, including retail and food service professionals, and the buyer project, with the presence of national and international buyers, are also planned for the simultaneous events.


Caravans of visitors


The Brazilian Association of Bars and Restaurants (Abrasel) has already initiated contacts to reissue the caravans of professionals and entrepreneurs of these sectors to visit the second edition of ANUFOOD Brazil. In the first edition, the fair received caravans from 35 cities, in a total of more than a thousand entrepreneurs and, by 2020, the expectation is to increase this number.


The objective of the caravans is to bring as many professionals from the food service sector as possible to strengthen the industry with new solutions and consumption trends that ANUFOOD will present. The caravans are offered to restaurant owners, gastronomic consultants and chefs to participate in the Fair, the Congress and the II Abrasel/ESBRE School of Bars and Restaurants Meeting.


Those interested in participating in the caravans, can contact us by e-mail ana.eventos@abraselsp.com.br.




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10h às 19h

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10:00 AM to 7:00 PM

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